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How to Make Delicious Barley/Coix seeds/Job's tears drink with ginkgo nut (银杏果) and white lotus seed (白莲子)

Barley/Coix seeds/Job's tears drink with ginkgo nut (银杏果) and white lotus seed (白莲子). Job's Tears and Pearl Barley If you come across something that looks very similar to pearl barley - spherical in shape, pearl in color, having a brownish groove on one side, but is about twice the size of it, then it is probably coix seeds. Yet it is better to clarify before you pay because I have seen Job's. See recipes for Barley/Coix seeds/Job's tears drink with ginkgo nut (银杏果) and white lotus seed (白莲子) too.

Barley/Coix seeds/Job's tears drink with ginkgo nut (银杏果) and white lotus seed (白莲子) Coix seeds are shaped like tears and are found in different colors such as purple, white, brown and yellow. jobs tears-coix-seed-chinese-barley nutrition facts and nutritional information. Interventional therapy combining Seed of Job's-tears with lipiodol for hepatoma-bearing rats. Chinese medicine, Coix seeds increase peripheral cytotoxic T and NK cells. You can have Barley/Coix seeds/Job's tears drink with ginkgo nut (银杏果) and white lotus seed (白莲子) using 4 ingredients and 4 steps. Here is how you cook that.

Ingredients of Barley/Coix seeds/Job's tears drink with ginkgo nut (银杏果) and white lotus seed (白莲子)

  1. You need 2 of soup spoon of barley of any kind (cook faster if pre-soak).
  2. It's 20 of ginkgo nuts (open and remove sprouts).
  3. You need 20 of white lotus seed (cut in half and remove sprouts) (cook softer if pre-soak).
  4. Prepare 1-2 of soup spoon of 雪莲子(optional).

This Herb Appears in the Following Formulas: San Ren Tang (Three Nut Decoction) Category: Formulas that Clear Damp-Heat. Job's Tears Coix Gluten Free Grain Premium Seed Packet. All seeds will come in a resealable plastic zip lock bag with a label featuring a picture of the flower, planting instructions, and plant specifications such as height, spacing, and light requirements for easy planting. Health benefits of Job's Tears aka chinese pearl barley or yi yi ren or coix seed or hato mugi (is best to soak it overnight before cooking with it.

Barley/Coix seeds/Job's tears drink with ginkgo nut (银杏果) and white lotus seed (白莲子) step by step

  1. Remove sprouts from ginkgoko nuts and lotus seed. Discard the sprouts..
  2. Put all ingredients into the pot..
  3. Cooking using A) Pressure cooking: add 1.25 litres of water and select soup function.
  4. OR B) stove top: add 1.5 litres of water. After boiling, turn fire to medium high and cook for 30 minutes. Turn to low and cook for 30 minutes..

SCIENTIFIC NAME: Coix Lacryma - Jobi. COLOR: Grown for foliage & seeds. Seeds were packaged well and there was an added bonus package of wild flower seeds. I planted both the Job's Tears and the wild flowers so I can't wait until they grow. A wide variety of coix seed tea options are available to you, such as variety, processing type, and specialty.

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